
西安编辑 2023-08-09 14:49


The reading passage and the lecture both talk about ….Despite that, the professor states that … which casts doubt on every single point the reading makes. In the lecture, he uses three specific points to support his idea.

To begin with, the reading passage mentions that ...However, the professor points out that … .…, which indicates that,…. Therefore, the professor cannot give a nod to the author in terms of the first point.

Secondly, about … the author claims that...whereas the professor thinks…. He elaborates on this by mentioning that ....Apparently, the professor's argument disproves its counterpart in the reading.

In addition, the reading passage suggests that.... The professor, on the other hand,argues that ..... In order to substantiate this point, he states that …, and as a result,...Thus, he demonstrates what asserted in the reading is specious.

In conclusion, the professor impressively proves that the fundamental argument about ... is unconvincing.








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