西安编辑 2021-01-12 16:15
一、狠狠地打某人Hit somebody a hard blow
她狠狠地打了他一拳。She hit him a hard blow.
二、看书,学习hit the books
期末考试就快来了,我得学习了。 The final examination is coming. Ihave to hit the books.
三、 hit the road 出发、离开
如果我想天黑前到那儿,你现在就出发。You had better hit the road if you want to be there before it's dark.
都准备好了,我们出发吧!Everything is set now. Let's hit the road.
四、说得中肯,一针见血;解释正确hit the nail on the head
他的评论总是一针见血。His remarks always hit the nail onthe head.
你的分析确实一针见血。Your analysis really hit the nailon the head.
五、hit the spot 使人满意,正合需要(原意是射中靶心,射中者对自己的射击技术非常满意。现在,hit the spot通常是指食物或饮品尤其令人满意。)
百事可乐真棒,满满12盎司,好多哦。Pepsi Cola hits the spot, 12 full ounces, that's a lot.
我妈妈厨艺很精湛,她做的菜可好吃了~!My mother is very good at cooking. Her dishes always hit the spot.
六、看书,学习hit the books
期末考试就快来了,我得学习了。The final examination is coming. I have to hit the books.
七、 勃然大怒hit the ceiling
当女孩儿们的男朋友直勾勾地老盯着其他美妞看的时候,她们很容易就勃然大怒。Girls tend to hit the ceiling when their boyfriends keep staring straightly at other birds.
妻子可能会因为丈夫忘了他们的结婚纪念日而勃然大怒。 A wife may hit the ceiling because her husband forgot their wedding anniversary.
八、 hit bottom 到了低点
如果股票价格见底,就是时候买进了。这时候股票价格只会往上涨了。 If the price of shares of a stock hits bottom, that might be the time to buy it. Its value can only go up.
九、hit the hay 上床睡觉
Toutou, it's time for you to hit the hay. 头头,该去睡觉了。