
西安编辑 2022-11-17 14:34


1.From above…综上所述……

例句:From above, I think living in a big city is better.



2.Therefore, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that…因此,不难得出以下结论……

例句:Therefore, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that living in a big city is better.



3.In a word, the whole society should pay close to the problem of… Only in this way can…in the future.总之,全社会都应该密切关注……,只有这样将来才能……

例句:In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of protecting the environment. Only in this way can we have a good place to live in the future.



4.To be sure, there may be difficulties we cannot overcome, but if we…确实,有些困难我们无法克服,但如果我们能够……的话,……

例句:To be sure, there may be difficulties we cannot overcome, but if we work hard, we can figure out another way to solve the problem.



5.Taking into account all of these factors, we may reach the conclusion that…考虑到所有因素,我们得出结论,……

例句:Taking into account all of these factors, we may reach the conclusion that study hard is good to us.



6.In summary/ conclusion/ a word,…总之……

例句:In summary, we should study hard.



7.As mentioned above,…综上所述……

例句:As mentioned above, living in the small town is more comfortable.



8.Therefore, we have no reason to make a fuss about All in all,…所以我们没有理由为……大惊小怪。总之,……

例句:Therefore, we have no reason to make a fuss about artificial intelligence. All in all, artificial intelligence will be more and more common in the future.






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