西安编辑 2021-07-02 16:43
Taking Stance – Format 3: Outweigh
Sample Question 1
Insome countries, students pay their college or university fees, while in someothers, government pays for them.
Do you think the advantages thatgovernment pays the money outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons andexamples?
Sample Question 1:Brainstorming
Key words
•University fees
•Ÿ ____________
Related issues
•Ÿ part-time job before college
•Ÿ ____________
Positive Side
•Ÿ Foster more talents
•Ÿ ____________
Negative Side
•Ÿ Financial burden
•Ÿ ____________
Sample Question 1:Essay plan
Main Body 1 - Topic Sentence
Of course calling for public funding foruniversity or college is reasonable from some perspectives. The first___________________________________
Main Body 2 - Topic Sentence
However, such practice is______________________________
Sample Essay 1:Introduction
S1 Educationis universally deemed as the duty of the government, but when it comes tohigher level, opinions diverge. S2 Some taxpayers take for granted that governmentsshould pay for tertiary study. S1 However, I doubt the feasibility ofsuch practice in many economies.
Sample Essay 1: Mainbody 1
S1 Of coursecalling for public funding for university or college is reasonable from someperspectives. S2 The first beneficiary should be those in poverty or indisadvantageous situation who nonetheless perform well academically and holdthe ambition to further their education to higher level. S3 They aretreated equally to the access to higher education and it is this equality thatequip them with opportunity to break their vicious cycle of poverty or crimeand to make contribution to better life in their hometown when they graduate. S4In this scenario, the nation is able to foster a larger number ofprofessionals and gain economic and social benefits from better human capital.
Sample Essay 1: Mainbody 2
S1 However,such practice is rarely implemented in the world including some wealthycountries and the direct reason lies in financial issue. S2 Compulsoryprimary and secondary education usually does not leave the governmentsufficient budget for further support in many countries. S3 In addition,going to university is personal choice, which means that it would be unfair forthose who choose to work after secondary school. S4 An obvious downsideof free university would encourage every school leaver to attend university,but it is also clear that not everyone is able to or is willing to do so.
Sample Essay 1:Conclusion
S1 In myopinion, it is definitely unwise to fund higher education by public fund sincesome social conflicts might be triggered. S2 And to harmonize the aboveconflicts caused by free higher education, a practical suggestion can be thatthe government fund university education by offering interest-free loan orgranting scholarship to those poor but outstanding students.
For different purposes, the formal school starting age varies from country to country, ranging from four to seven.出于不同目的,不同国家的正式入学年龄不同,从4岁到7岁均有。
On the one hand, children who receive formal instructions at four to five years old will hold advantages over those who start school at six to seven, since formal education can supply a good foundation for children, promoting them to form their own ideas, communicate and socialize with other students, and develop their knowledge.一方面,在四至五岁时接受正式教育的儿童将比六至七岁开始上学的儿童占优势,因为正规教育可以为儿童提供良好的基础,促进他们形成自己的思想,与其他学生进行交流和社交,并发展他们的知识。