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2016年10月24日 11:11
供稿单位:互联网  责编:本站编辑 浏览: 0 次


  1. flying colors → success, victory

  2. little by little → gradually

  3. call off → cancel

  4. come into → receive, especially after another’s death

56. run up against → encounter

  57. far from → anything but; not at all

  58. far from it → by no means; not at all

  59. hang on to → hold tightly; keep firmly

  60. get nowhere → be unsuccessful; obtain no result

  61. day in and day out → every day; all the time

  62. break down → cease to function

  63. get going → get started; begin to move

  64. take one’s time → not hurry

  65. boil down to → indicate, especially as a final judgment or analysis

  66. make up → take a test for the second time

  67. put up with → bear with patience; tolerate

  68. by and by → before long

  69. give someone a hand → help; assist

  70. ring a bell → sound familiar

  71. snap out of it →① change one’s habits, attitude, etc, suddenly ② regain one’s composure, energy, or good spirits; recover

  72. raise the roof → make trouble; start a fight or an argument

  73. get away with → escape without punishment

  74. on business → with definite work to do

  75. look up → search for, as an item of information, in a reference book

  76. let up →① cease; stop ② slacken; abate

  77. in any case (or event) → no matter what happens

  78. come out → be published

  79. look into → investigate; inspect

  80. spell out → explain very clearly or in detail

  81. fall back on → rely on

  82. wrap up → bring to an end, especially a successful conclusion

  83. save one’s breath → keep silent because talking will not help

  84. hold up →① delay; hinder ② endure, last

  85. have one’s hands full → be very busy; be able to do no more

  86. How come? → How is it? Why?

  87. stick around → stay or wait nearby

  88. make out → get along; manage

  89. turn up → appear, turn out, show up


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