就比如:As a child grows up,he learns how to behave in ways that is appropriate tothe society into which he is born. That is to say,he acquires the patterns ofbehavior that are accepted as normal in his society. This process of sociallearning is generally referred to as socialization. By socialization,then,wemean the process whereby individuals learn the rules,values and practices of thesociety in which they live.
What then makes people left-handed if it is not simply genetic?Otherfactors must be at work and researchers have turned to the brain for clues. Inthe 1860s the French surgeon and anthropologist,Dr Paul Broca,made theremarkable finding that patients who had lost their powers of speech as a resultof a stroke (a blood clot(凝结) in the brain) had paralysis(麻痹) of the right halfof their body. He noted that since the left hemisphere of the brain controls theright half of the body,and vice versa(反之亦然),the brain damage must have been inthe brain's left hemisphere,Psychologists now believe that among right handedpeople,probably 95 percent have their language centre in the lefthemisphere,while 5 percent have right-sided language.