我也有责任I have part of the fault.
节奏变换a change of pace
拿娃娃哄她开心distract her with a doll.
相距甚远a far cry from
收到的反响都很好they are all well received.
说你的好话talk you up.
一个电话之远、愿意过来帮忙a phone call away
努力坚持stand firm to.
不久以前a while back
我只是用余光看看I was just leering.
绝 对不anything but
整理思绪organize my thoughts.
解释account for
事先有事get a little preoccupied.
愿为某人服务at sb‘s service
没有掩饰的机会了no way to recover.
24小时不停around the clock
毒贩子drug dealer.
你还真胆大admire your candor.
摄像机正在拍摄we are rolling.
就我所知as far as I know
看看这一叠go through this stack.
你监视我are you spying on me?
对………很熟悉at home with
跟你开玩笑呢just messing with you!
闹够了enough is enough.
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