21. 计划表,日程表:schedule= timetable= agenda= plan
将(飞机,火车等)列入时刻表:schedule= book= arrange= program
计划,方案:scheme= plan= design= program= project
研讨班,研讨小组:seminar= meeting= discussion= conference= convention
物种,种类:species= breed= category= variety= sort= kind= type
标本,样本:specimen= sample
(植物的)茎,(树木的)干:stem= stalk= trunk
堵住(液体),止住:stem= stop= restrain
22.增补,补充:supplement= addition= complement
天赋,才能:talent= ability= faculty= gift= genius= aptitude
暂时的,临时的:temporal= transient= short= brief= momentary= temporary
极好的,极大的:tremendous= immense= huge= enormous= vast= excellent= wonderful= splendid
加快,加速,促进:accelerate= quicken= expedite= promote= stimulate
达成(目标),完成:accomplish= finish= complete= attain= fulfill
(使)弯曲,拐弯处:bend= bow= curve= twist
卓越的,光辉灿烂的:brilliant= splendid= outstanding= excellent= prominent= glorious= bright= shining= radiant
23.秘密的,机密的:confidential= secret= private
表示信任的:confidential= trustful= intimate
争执,冲突:conflict= struggle= clash= discord
剥夺,使丧失:deprive= bereave= rob= strip= dispossess
捐赠,馈赠:donate= bestow= present= contribute= gift
草稿,草案:draft= sketch= drawing= outline
欠缺,缺点:drawback= shortcoming= defect
24. 功绩,技艺:feat= achievement
小说:fiction= novel= story=tale
促进,助长,培养:foster= promote= advance= stimulate= cultivate
养育,照顾:foster= nourish= raise= bring up= nurse
不合法的,非法的:illegal= unlawful= lawless= illicit
说明,阐明:illustration= explanation= interpretation
例证,插图:illustration= example= case= chart= map= diagram= graph
25.内部的,内地的:interior= inner= inside= inland= internal= domestic
标准,规范:norm= criterion= standard= code= specification
许可,准许,允许,同意:permission= admission= certification= authorization= agree
磨光,擦亮:polish= brighten= refine
继续前进,继续进行:proceed= continue= advance
延长(时间),使延伸:prolong= lengthen= extend
26. 薪水,收入:salary= wage= pay= earnings= income
屏幕,屏风:screen= cover
部门:sector= region= department
安全的,受保护的:secure= safe= sound
连续,顺序:sequence= series= succession= procession
浅的,肤浅的:shallow= superficial
使粉碎:shatter= crash= smash= mince
草图,速写:sketch= drawing= draft= outline
27. 高涨,猛涨:soar= mount= rise= increase= skyrocket
复杂的,精密的:sophisticated= complex= complicated= worldly
节省,抽出时间:spare= save= set aside= put apart
多余的,空闲的:spare= extra= surplus= additional
拉力,张力,拉紧,绷紧:strain= tension= stretch
用线串起来:string= chain= rope= queue
屈从:submit= comply= surrender= yield
后来的:subsequent= later= successive= succeeding
28.领土,版图,范围:territory= area= land= scope= field= range= dimension
擦去:wipe= rub= clean= wash= dry
消灭:wipe= eradicate
小册子,介绍手册:brochure= booklet= pamphlet= leaflet
雕刻:carve= engrave= grave
引用,引证:cite= quote= instance
宣言,声明:declaration= announcement= publication= proclamation= statement= affirmation
装饰,装潢:decorate= adorn= beautify= ornament= trim
指出,指明:designate= show= denominate= indicate= specify
目标,终点:destination= goal= objective= aim= target
丢弃,遗弃:discard= reject= abandon= desert= give up= get rid of
不同的,独特的:distinct= different= dissimilar
清楚的,明显的:distinct= definite= obvious= evident= apparent
遭遇,遇到,遇见:encounter= meet= confront= run into
远征,探险,考察:expedition= excursion= march= voyage
奇怪的,怪诞的:fantastic= strange= odd= grotesque
疲劳,劳累:fatigue= weariness= tiredness= weary= tire= exhaust
结冰,凝固,冰冻:freeze= chill= congeal= halt
小屋:hut= cottage= cabin
概念,观念,想法:notion= concept= idea= opinion
操作的,运行的:operational= functioning
相反,相对,反对:opposition= objection= disapproval
花费,开支,费用:outlay= expense
包裹:package= parcel= luggage= bag
有生产能力的,多产的:productive= fertile= fruitful= plentiful
前途,希望:prospect= expectation= foresight
漫步,漫游,随便走:roam= wander= stroll
航行:sail= cruise= journey= navigate
纯粹的:sheer= pure= entire
陡峭的,险峻的:sheer= steep
寂静的,无声的:silent= soundless= still= placid= tranquil
足球:soccer= football
指明,表明:specify= articulate= clarify
裂开,分开:split= bisect= cleave= crack= hack= separate
喷雾,水花:spray= shower= splash
使挨饿:starve= hunger= famish= thirst
猛冲,激增:surge= wave= billow= gush
支撑,维持:sustain= bear= maintain= support
对付,处理:tackle= undertake= deal with= cope with= handle
轻拍:tap= knock= pat= touch= strike
含蓄的,潜在的:underlying= implicit= latent= implied
附近,邻近:vicinity= neighborhood= nearness
滥用:abuse= misuse= misemploy= misapply
辱骂,咒骂:abuse= slander= defame= insult
虐待:abuse= mistreat
承认:admit= allow= acknowledge= concede
提倡,拥护:advocate= support= propose= uphold= plead for
侵犯,侵略:aggression= attack= invasion= assault= offence
疾病:ailment= disease= illness
闹钟,警报:alarm= terror= fright= intimidation
使惊恐,使担心:alarm= terrify= frighten= intimidate= scare= startle
充分的,充裕的:ample= enough= plentiful= abundant
宽阔的,广大的:ample= spacious= extensive
焦虑,担心:anxiety= worry= concern= care
渴望,热望:anxiety= desire= eagerness= longing
禁止,禁令,取缔:ban= prohibit= forbid= bar
增强,提高,促进,激励:boost= promotion= increase= raise= advance
刹车,制动:brake= check= halt= stop
谨慎的,小心的:cautious= careful= wary= discreet= prudent
混乱:chaos= disorder= confusion= anarchy
追逐,追赶:chase= track= follow= trail= pursue
包括,包含:comprise= include= enclose= embrace
由...组成,构成:comprise= be composed of= be made up of= consist of= make up= form= compose
习俗,惯例:convention= custom= tradition= practice
公约,契约:convention= agreement= contract= pact= treaty
会议:convention= meeting= conference= congress
潮湿的:damp= humid= moist= watery= wet
分离:divorce= divide= part= separate
操练,训练:drill= discipline= exercise= instruct= practice
使成为必要,需要:entail= necessitate
装备,配备:equip= furnish= provide= supply
外来的,奇异的:exotic= strange= alien= foreign= unusual
经费,支出:expenditure= expense= cost= consumption
虚弱的,衰弱的:faint= weak= infirm
微弱的,不明显的,微少的,渺茫的:faint= dim= feeble= minute
繁荣,活跃而有影响力:flourish= thrive= prosper= succeed= bloom
欺骗,假货:fraud=deceit= cheat= trick= deception
光荣,荣誉:glory= honor= fame= reputation= distinction
各种各样的:a vast array of= a great variety of= a great range of
阻止......:impede= keep...from...= prevent...from= stop...from...= inhibit
导致:result in= lead to= cause= bring about= induce
包括:include= embrace= cover= involve= constitute= consist of
限制:constrain= restrict= limit= confine