新航道雅思APP 留学院校库


西安新航道 > 新闻资讯 > 6月19日考雅思的“童鞋”注意了,"先知"再次出手了


来源:      浏览:      发布日期:2014-06-11 10:40






S1. 部分(预测书上册)

P11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 27 30 31 32 33 34 43 44 45 46 47 51

52 55 56 65 71 75 88 96 98

S4. 第四部分(预测书上册)

P99 100 101 102 103 105 107 108 109 110 113 116 117 118 130

131 141 143 144 145 146 150 151 152 153 156 157 159 165 167

171 179 180 195

S2. 第二部分(预测书下册)

P10 11 13 14 15 18 20 21 26 27 28 30 33 34 36 37 41 42 45 68 71

72 74 80 81 82 85 88

S3. 第三部分(预测书下册)

P90 91 92 93 95 96 97 99 100 101 102 104 106 108 110 111 112

116 117 118 119 121 122 123 125 127 132 134 135 136 140 143

145 147 148 153 157 159 164 168




Section 1旧题=V120225Ticket Booking 电话订票;10填空

V120225 Section 1家庭团体旅游咨询 on page 10(预测书上)


1. Name of the client: Bittens (小心double t 的读音 不要写成 w t)

2 .Can get Group booking discount(the woman said there are 20 people in total, the number of the 3 adults or grown-ups plus 17 children)

3. Adult ticket price :$23

4. Children ticket price:$12.5

5. Seat choice: the back row (the man suggested they should choose the middle row,but the woman preferred to sit at the back because they might leave halfway.)

Special Requirements

6. One boy needs a wheelchair

7. Better be close to the lift


8. Tickets will be collected from the car-park(trap:car parking is near the library)

9 .They are vegetarians

10. Food: pizza(at the beginning she asked whether they have coffee,the man said no,but they have hamburger, pizza and other choices, then the woman chose pizza)

QQ截图20140309005110  QQ截图20140309005559   QQ截图20140309005412

  Section 2新题,The Elmsden Way 骑行介绍;4地图匹配+6单选题

答案回忆:11---14  Map labeling

          11. Rocks    B

          12. Forest   E

          13.National reserve F

          14.XXX            I

          15---20  Multiple choice


             C. There may be animals in the way可能会有动物挡路

          16.Elmesdan station的情况(有的回忆答案是B)

             B. More modern    C. Opened recently

          17. 在visitor center可以做什么事情

             A. You can hire a bike

          18. 如果你想在A.....E  两地往返,你需要做的是:

             A.book in advance     B. During the weekends  C. Pay additional charges

          19. 题目待定

             A. Take a long time     B. Waterfall is inaccessible

             C. On foot 

          20. 如果你想参加cycling,相关的信息来源(有的回忆答案是A)

            A.Read local newspaper   B.station website  C.National cycling network

  Section 3 新题,Study of Pegion 对鸽子的研究;5匹配题+5单选题


答案回忆:21---25 Matching

         A. Eat meat            B.eat a particular plant

         C. Endangered          D. Sing for mating

         E. Attract other species   F. Communicate with wings

         G. Avoid groups         H. Bright color

         21. Australia crest pigeons       F

         22. Rock pigeons              C

         23. Black banded pigeons       G  

         24. 一种Bon字母开头的鸽子  D  不能吃肉,会中毒)

         25. 一种N字母开头的鸽子    H 

         26-30 Multiple choice,关于Australian pigeons问题的应对

         26. Australia的城市里很多人喂鸽子导致的后果是

            A. 数量增加       

            B. Overweight因为很多人喂的并不是自己做的食物,  而是junk food)

            C. Unhealthy

     27. Melbourne government采取的最有效的methods

            A. Move habitation of pigeons out of city

            C. Produce room which pigeons can live

         28. 政策成功的原因(答案待定)

           Axxxxxx        B.educating public   

         29. Comments on the second scheme(没有被采取的method)

            A. Expensive 政府的花销太多    B. Cruel

         30. 学生还要做的研究

            Affect human health
  Section 4 旧题=V101030Men and Women’s Attitudes towards Competition 男女对竞争的态度;10填空

V101030 Section 4男女竞争差异研究 on page 119(预测书上)

Difference between Males and Females in Competition

workplace  engineering  skill

31-40 Complete the sentences with ONE WORD ONLY

31. The survey was done on the influence of competition in the workplace

32. Phenomenon: only 2% women take important positions in large companies

 Attitude in the report for male and female is different

33. Possible reasons: women are weaker in three sides: math, science and engineering

34. When men and women’s skill and ability are equal, they are treated equally

35. Women like to take less workload compared to men.

workload confident feedback

Results show:

36. Men are more confident

37. Percentage of women who are not willing to take risks is 14%

38. Women don’t want to take competitive feedback

39. Men enjoy challenges more than women do

40. Finally the reason that women don’t want take risks is because they worry future salary and opportunity

challenges                         salary




