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2013年03月02日 04:19
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西安新航道《雅思机经预测宝典》贺岁版,3月2日(周六)雅思考试当中一如既往的命中考题听力部分。见本书第3页,V10402 Section 4 ;32页 V10301。期待更多精彩...


V10402 Section 4  化石保护Fossil protection


31-36 填空题

31. Procedure 过程

32. Trace fossil size and form

33. Fossil的形成过程是动物被buried in the ground

34. Mineral soil fill inside fossil

35. You can see some fossils in shops or exhibitions

36. But big fossil is very expensive

37-40 表格填空


Function or purpose

37. recorder

 Record something

Notebook and pen

 Fill the form in a notebook


 38. Take photos


 39. Locate soft sediment

40. compass


Version 10301 Section 3 Alex 工厂实习的评价反馈

The main job tasks for man named Alex during the internship of a company, the comments from the boss and self reflection.

21-26) Matching

A  frustrated  B  challenging  C  enjoyable  D  easy

21  accommodation D (He said in most cases the hotel would fully booked, but he would always find a solution to that);

22.  tour on company premises (visiting all the places in the company):B (the woman said it was easy, the man said on the contrary, Alex said ti was not really, but he could do it well.)

23.  leisure activities C (because there is a obvious hint in her conversation, she asked ALEX whether he really loves to do this thing and ALEX said YES.)

24.  Something to eat? B

25.  airport transfer: D (He said it was so easy, because they had already outsourced this and there would be specialized company which would come to help them to do this service.);

26.  information technology problem A (Alex said that he was frustrated in an obvious way, but he couldn’t complain anything.)

27-30 Multiple Choice

27-28 What does the boss think of ALEX?

Intelligent (the boss’s original words which quoted by the woman in the conversation was bright)

Good suggestions ( ALEX proposed to change in the dialogue,not only for him, but also for the executive branch. The boss thought it was very practical.)

29-30 What area does ALEX think should be improved?

plan phone calls (Alex said that he didn’t arranged the content of the call well, about how to speak in a phone conversation should be planned in advance otherwise, he couldn’t have a good conversation, so he wanted to improve his skills of how to make phone calls);

Be more decisive (in the end he said that he should make decisions more quickly)

Speaking French (Alex could speak fluent French and he could also make phone calls in French so he didn’t need any improvements)


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