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2013年06月18日 12:39
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V11145 SECTION 4要新造一个机场,比较site A与B的选址
31. Internal flight mainly about business;
32. International flight mainly about vacations;
33. exported electronic goods;
34. Large tax contribution;
35. Highway
36. Site A: 支持的原因the site is flat;
37. including birds;
38. 反对的观点是high risk of flooding;
39. Site B的有点已经给出,缺点是increased traffic;
40. 以及air pollution.
V11148 SECTION 4 澳洲鳄鱼研究
31. this time research is special because the study is using satellite
32. in the past, in previous study it is done with radio
33. always losing signals
34. they are not easily captured, as they avoid people followed
35. first waited a whole week, then they follow the direct route way home
36. tracking devices are set in the head of the crocodile
37. transfer crocodiles to different places by helicopter
38. research on how crocodiles navigate
39-40. Conclusions:
the crocodiles find their direction / orientation by the sun
have same system like the birds


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西安新航道雅思春季班 / / 查看


  • 西安新航道雅思春季班报名


  • 周琳娜--雅思听力8分
  • 刘依娜--雅思阅读8.5分
  • 康皓奕雅思阅读8分
  • 雅思阅读9
