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2013年下半年西安雅思听力中高频核心SECTION 4文章(2)
2013年06月17日 03:39
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V09137 SECTION 4本科生和研究生的注意事项(peer studying合作学习)
31. Each scheme for group meeting
32. Write a summary (3 days)
33. format(s)
34. distribute
35. ???
36. Help their management skills – undergraduate
37. Help their comprehension of texts
38. Check grade
39. Relationship – postgraduate
40. a standard/formal way
V09138 SECTION 4老师介绍汽车设计比赛
Sentence Completion
31.computer science
32.avoid the obstacles on the road such as rocks
33.video cameras
 Multiple Choice
34.aim: C find some new designs
35.key to success: C mechanism
36.professor's astonishing: B as successful as predicted
Table Completion
37. introductory seminar
38. skills and experience
39. discuss ideas
40. selection of teams


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西安新航道雅思春季班 / / 查看


  • 西安新航道雅思春季班报名


  • 周琳娜--雅思听力8分
  • 刘依娜--雅思阅读8.5分
  • 康皓奕雅思阅读8分
  • 雅思阅读9
